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doorway, Paul had time to notice that all the men, English as well as American, had rejoiced in the sight of her—whether they were willing to admit it or not. Two young Americans of a pattern which he supposed to be "Yale" or "Harvard" had covertly watched her, and he guessed that their mothers and sisters alone had restrained them from flocking about her on the cruise.

He became restless, and found an excuse for leaving the terrace. Inside he searched the corridors. The vague recollection was growing insistent. In the inner lounge he caught a glimpse of her and advanced. She and her companion had found chairs in the centre of the room.

Her wide blue eyes rested on him just as she had finished adjusting a scarf of tulle. The pertness disappeared from her expression, which changed to a puzzled stare. Then her lips parted slightly, and her hands strayed tentatively outward.

Recognition was simultaneous. Paul stepped forward with an exclamation of delight and, without a thought for the scores of onlookers, took her violently into his arms as she sprang up from the seat.

"Paul Minas!" she cried, holding him off for a better view.

"Gritty! As I live and breathe!"

She glanced up and down for joy, with a return of the old tomboy spontaneity.

"Why Paul, you great big huge man! I've never been so floored in all my life."

"Nor I. Good Lord, old Gritty! Who would have believed it?"

"I know—in Egyp'—and everything!"

"Tell me all about it this instant!"

Gritty's companion was languidly interested. She turned to him and said: "Joe, I've discovered a long-lost cousin." Her eyes threw Paul a glance which he