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said she. "What makes you think I want to know you? Haven't I just told you that I am not on the look-out for any new acquaintances?"

The young man looked timidly into her eyes as he answered:

"Marya Constantìnovna, don't send me away from you. I won't ask you anything just now, but because I love you so that I cannot imagine how I could have lived before without knowing you, please let me have at least the hope that when you understand how great is my love you also may begin to love me in return."

"What foolishness!" cried Mashenka. "A perfectly unknown young man comes up to me in the street and talks like this! And what am I to do? Why should I listen to you? Please go away at once."


Mashenka walked on quickly, but her companion did not go away. He spoke to her in words which vexed and confused her. Still looking into her eyes with a timid and cautious gaze he said:

"Marya Constantìnovna, please allow me to remind you that it may often happen that