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anything. Guess yourself. Shan't tell you, shan't. If you don't guess yourself you'll always be called Grishka. Listen, there's your mother the cook calling you. Go along and be obedient to her. Go quickly or she'll beat you."


Grishka listened; he heard his mother's harsh voice calling from the kitchen:

"Grishka, Grishka, where are you? you bad boy, where have you hidden yourself?"

Grishka jumped quickly down from the window-seat and ran into the kitchen. He knew when his mother called like that he mustn't dawdle, he must go at once. And all the more just now when his mother was busy preparing dinner. She was always angry then, and especially when the kitchen was hot and stuffy. The bright apartment of the Princess Turandina faded from his sight. The blue smoke of something burning on the kitchen stove floated out to him. He was again conscious that his head ached and swam; he at once felt tired and languid.

His mother called out to him:

"Now look lively; run along quickly to Milligan's and buy half a pound of lemon