Page:Solomon Abramovich Lozovsky - Lenin, The Great Strategist of the Class War - tr. Alexander Bittleman (1924).pdf/9

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Losovsky's pamphlet should be carefully read and studied by every trade-union militant who is active in the labor movement. For there are few better ways of assimilating the experiences of great—one is temped to say the greatest—revolutionay leader and turning these experiences to good account in one's own immediate work, than by studying the life work of Lenin. And for this one would want no more efficient and kindlier guide than this little book.

When you are thru with the reading of it, you grasp, perhaps for the first time, the true stature of the Russian giant. His marvelous knowledge of economics and the social sciences generally, his great analytical mind, his almost superhuman sense for detecting the deep, quiet processes that are constantly taking place within the broad masses, his flexibility of mind, his burning hatred of capitalist oppression and his iron determination to fight the bloody thing to a finish—all these qualities of Lenin take living shape under the pen of Lozovsky, who has succeeded in presenting us with a most illuminating picture of the great Strategian of the Class Struggle.

We cannot all become Lenins, it is true, but many a workingman and workingwoman can succeed in approximating the great leader to one degree or another if sufficient effort is lent in that direction in a conscious and determined way.

Our class is badly in need of leaders—loyal, capable and efficient fighters in the proletarian struggle for power. Never in the history of society has an oppressed class struggling for freedom confronted an enemy as clever, tricky, resourceful, unscrupulous and brutal as is the ruling class of today, the capitalists. This fact imposes a duty upon every working class militant to study and learn the art and science of social revolution, to familiarize himelf with the tactics and methods of Leninism which have been proved to be the only way to the overthrow of capitalism and the complete liberation of the working class.

Alexander Bittelman

Chicago, September, 1924.