Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/111

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of a law prepared to bring legislation in Pennsylvania nearer the high standard attained by New York and Illinois, the Budget says:—In other words, our legislators will be requested to lend their support to a movement which, if successful, will drive out [1]of our state the industries which have lifted her up to the proud position of first place in the galaxy of states."

It is a common argument often heard, and echoed and re-echoed in the legislative halls. In Pennsylvania the argument was crystallized into the law of 1905. No child, says the law, under sixteen, may work between the hours of nine p.m. and six a.m., except "where the material in process of manufacture" would be wasted if allowed to stand over night, and, "to prevent waste or destruction of such material," boys of fourteen may work at any hour of the night. Blessed "material in process of manufacture," what crimes do Americans commit in thy name!

As has already been pointed out, manu-

  1. National Glass Budget, December 22, 1906.