Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/148

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children who attend school a weekly wage equivalent to that which the child might earn in the factory, provided that the parents shall first demonstrate to the satisfaction of the authorities that a minimum standard of efficient living cannot be maintained by the family without this support.

The plan has obvious disadvantages. The difficulties of accurately determining a minimum standard of efficiency are very great, as conditions vary with the individual and the community. A system might be started whereby parents could live from the school earnings of a numerous family. These and other objections will present themselves to those familiar with poor law enactment and enforcement.

On the other hand, under existing conditions, thousands of families are deprived of some of the necessaries of life when they are deprived of their children's earnings. Compulsory school attendance, while of unquestionable public benefit, works serious hardship upon many an individual family.

The knowledge so far secured would incline