Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/58

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life; and in the second place, it helps to raise taxes.

II. Child Labor and Family Life

"The Peril and Preservation of the Home" is the title of one of Jacob Kiis's books. To him it is of great importance, if national integrity is to be preserved, that the home be maintained at a high standard. In this position he is vigorously supported by the best sentiment of every Anglo-Saxon community. It is, then, of the utmost importance, in dealing with the cost of child labor, to determine what changes in the status of the home have been made by the entrance of children into industrial competition.

How can child labor influence family life?

There are two ways in which the influence may be felt. It may be either an influence exerted by the child in the family group to which it belongs as a child, or it may be an influence exerted by the child, grown to adult years, upon the family of which he or she is the head. Child labor may influence the family by taking children away from the home