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combined substances were known as pe-tun-tse. Both substances, the infusible and the fusible, are productions of the same geological formation, — decomposed feldspathic rock.

Kasí (or Varanasi). — Ancient name of Benares, the "Sacred City," believed to have been founded by the gods. It is also called "The Lotos of the World." Barth terms it "the Jerusalem of all the sects both of ancient and modern India." It still boasts two thousand shrines, and half a million images of divinities. See also Sherring's "Sacred City of the Hindoos."

Kiang-kou-jin. — Literally, the "tell-old-story-men." For a brief account of Chinese professional story-tellers, the reader may consult Schlegel's entertaining introduction to the Mai-yu-lang-toú-tchen-hoa-koueï.

Kin. — The most perfect of Chinese musical instruments, also called "the Scholar's Lute." The word kin also means "to prohibit"; and this name is said to have been given to the instrument because music, according to Chinese belief, "restrains evil passions, and corrects the human heart." See Williams's "Middle Kingdom."

Kouei. — Kouei, musician to the Emperor Yao, must have held his office between 2357 and 2277 B.C. The extract selected from one of his songs, which