Page:Some Reflections on the Importance of a Religious Life.djvu/32

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other hours than those occupied in public worship be employed so as to prove seasons of real edification, and be very careful that nothing is done which is a bad example to others. Be diligent in attending all our meetings for worship, both on first and week days. It is a great advantage to have a certain time fixed, when we may meet with our friends, and draw nigh unto God; and also to know that we can worship him acceptably, unaided by any outward ministry; and that he will fulfil his gracious promise; “I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me.”

Avoid light, frivolous reading, it is a dangerous occupation of time; it renders irksome serious and sober reflection on the things of eternity. On the other hand, let me invite you to read that which is calculated to profit and to instruct. Whilst cultivating the talents and employing the time, entrusted to you in earlier life for the acquisition of solid and useful knowledge, may you pursue every study with a constant reference to the gracious Giver of all that we have and all that we are; then will you be protected from the pride of intellectual attainments. Actuated by higher motives than those which the laws of honour amongst men establish, seek the honour which cometh from God only, who himself hath declared, “Them that honour me