Page:Some Reflections on the Importance of a Religious Life.djvu/36

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fellowship which have ensued, have been very helpful to us; they have, in many cases, contributed to the comfort of life, and produced a beneficial interest and sympathy one with another. I see much in the economy and institutions of our little Society, which appear to me to be the genuine fruits of the Christian religion, and to have been a blessing to us. I value them, and desire that you, my dear friends, may value them also. Cherish a feeling of love to your fellow-members in religious profession—to the Society—to its Christian principles. This, I believe, may be safely recommended without asking any one to form his religious views merely upon trust; but in examining the doctrines of Christianity and the grounds of our testimonies, may it be done with a deferential respect to the experience of those who have practically proved their excellence, and with a willingness to adopt them as your own, humbly asking counsel from on high in the engagement.

The following Scripture precepts so forcibly and comprehensively set forth the duties which they inculcate, that in this brief address I would simply insert them, and affectionately recommend them to your constant observance. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise.” “Thou shalt