Page:Some Reflections on the Importance of a Religious Life.djvu/39

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maxims. If the affections be set on things above, what pleasure can be derived from indulging in the vain and fluctuating fashions of men? Intimate association with those who are not seeking the kingdom of heaven cannot be a safe course. Amusements which leave a sting behind them—which lead the mind from the pure fear of God, and disqualify it from serving Him with acceptance, cannot be lawfully followed by the true servant of the Lord Jesus.

Guard against covetousness in any shape; be liberal to the poor according to the means placed within your reach. Be thoroughly honest and open-hearted; keep to truth and sincerity on all occasions; watch and pray, and that continually, that you may be strengthened to shun every avenue to immorality in thought, word, or deed. Be careful, when engaged in any way in the concerns of trade, that whilst diligent in business, you are fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Let your moderation appear unto all men; let all your proceedings be marked by strict Christian integrity. Endeavour to feel and to act as pilgrims seeking for a better country, that is a heavenly one.

Christianity is an active and a social principle. A true sense of the love of God in Christ Jesus, of our great debt of gratitude for the multiplied mercies and blessings conferred upon us through him, leads us to a