Page:Some Reflections on the Importance of a Religious Life.djvu/41

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and walking in accordance therewith, as it is set forth by the Evangelists and Apostles—that, living in love and charity towards all men, we may all, younger and older, unitedly labour for the advancement of the kingdom of Christ.

Trials and disappointments are the portion of all. The loss of near relatives and friends, ill health, perplexities in life, have proved to some of you, my younger brethren and sisters, that this is not the place of our rest. Others may have met with fewer adverse circumstances, but whatever be our situation godliness is profitable unto all things; and the surest protection to those who are setting out in life is, to have a humble yet firm trust in God, and a living practical faith in the promises of the Gospel. I would, in conclusion, make the full acknowledgment, that thus describing things which I approve as excellent, has led me to feel my own deficiency: much that I have written cannot but be instructive to myself if rightly applied. I offer these things in great love.

May the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I am your sincere friend and brother,



12th of 5th mo. 1834.


J. Rickerby, Printer, Sherbourn Lane