Page:Some ejaculations and dying words of the late Reverend Mr. John Willison.pdf/6

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behold thee face to face O ſhould I be ſatisfied to ſtay behind when my friend are gone! Shall I wander here in a hungery deſart, when they are triumphing above, and dividing the ſpoil? Help me to look after them with a ſtedfaſt eye, and cry, O Lord how long;

O heavenly father draw me after Jeſus, for none can come to him without thy aid. O father draw me up there where he is, and I will mount up as on eagle's wings. O draw me, and when thou ſeemeſt to fly from me, Lord enable me to follow hard after thee.

Lord give me the ſtaff of promiſe in my hand, that may go over Jordan with it. O give me ſuch a promiſe as that, 'When thou paſſeſt through the water I will be with thee, and through the rivers they ſhall not overflow thee: When thou walkeſt through the fire thou ſhalt not be burnt neither ſhall the flame kindle upon thee.'

Lord my experiences are ſmall, my manifeſtations are few; theſe I will not lean to; yet I will remember thee from the land of Jordan, from the Hermonites, and from the hill of Mizar. Why art thou caſt down O my ſoul, and why diſquited within me! hope thou in God, for I ſhall yet praiſe him, who is the health of my countenance and my God

O thou who remembredſt the dying thief, when on the way to thy kingdom, O remember me when now ſeated in thy kingdome, and ſay to my ſoul when I am dying, 'This day ſhalt thou be with me in 'Paradiſe.''

Lord, I am called to the work I never did, O give me the ſtrength I never had. O ſtrengthen me like Samſon for once, when at death, to pul down the ſtrong holds of ſin in me. Lord waſh away my ſins in the blood of Chriſt, and then my ſoul ſhall not ſink in the ocean of thy wrath.

O what is life but a vapour! a ſand glaſs of 6o of 70 years! O how faſt does it run down! how ſoon runs it out! Vain, vain is the love of life, and