Page:Some ejaculations and dying words of the late Reverend Mr John Willison, late Minister of the Gospel at Dundee, or, His last words to his wife & children.pdf/5

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that I may go off the stage rejoicing and that an abundant entrance may be ministered to me into the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

O for more faith, that I may die like Simeon, when he had Christ in his arms, saying, Now let thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.

Lord, one smile of thy countenance would banish away all my doubts and fears, and make me sing in pain.

Is my Redeemer gone to prepare a place for us, why should I be slothful to follow his foot steps? when he is saying, come up hither; come up dwell here; come up reign here; come up sing here.

O Lord, deliver my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. O save me from the horrible pit, draw me out of the miry clay, set my feet upon a rock, and establish my goings, and put a new song in my mouth.

O give grace to strive by faith, and prayer to enter in at the strait gate. Lord, thou hast bid me knock and it shall be opened, ask and I shall receive; Lord, I knock open unto me; I would be in, I must be in; let me in but over the threshold; let me in within sight of my Redeemers face, within sight of the smiles of his countenance; let me within hearing of the songs of the redeemed, let me get to the outside of that praising company, I’ll be well enough if I get in.

Lord, in I must be, out I cannot stay. O shut me not out with swearers, sabbath breakers and profane persons; Lord, I never chus’d their company while in this world; Lord, do not gather my soul with sinners thereafter.

The redeemed are gathering, and the wicked are gathering. Lord gather me with thy flock; they are fast a gathering; the church’s head is gone; he has left the earth and entered into his glory. My brethren and friends, many of them have arrived where he is, I am yet behind. O how great is the difference between my state and theirs; I am groaning out my complaint, they are singing God’s praise; I am in darkness, and cannot see thy face, but they behold thee face to face. O should I be satisfied to stay behiud when my friends