Page:Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Master Alexander Peden.pdf/15

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at the throne of Britain; let him go yonder, he has been a black sight to these lands, especially to poor Scotland; we're well quit of him; there has been many a wasted prayer wared on him. And it was concluded by all, the same hour, in the same night, that unhappy man Charles II. died. I had this account from John Muirhead and others, who were present, and confirmed in the truth of it by some worthy Christians when I was in Ireland.

22. Upon the 4th of February following, 1685, he preached at a wood-side, near the said Mr. Vernor's house; he read the whole of the 49 Psalm; after reading, he charged his hearers, that none of them open their mouths to sing, but those that could do it knowingly and believingly; for some few lines, few opened their mouth; but as John Muirhead, and John Waddel, who were present, told solid Christians and great sufferers, who lived and died in the parish of Cambusnethen or Shots, said to me, they and the great part could not contain and forbear singing, but brake out with their hearts and whole strength, so that they were never witness to such loud singing thro the whole Psalm. After singing, in preface he cried out, Pack and let us go to Scotland, let us flee from one devouring sword and go to another; the poor honest lads in Scotland are running upon the hills, & have little either of meat or drink, but cold and hunger; and the bloody enemy are pursuing and murdering them wherever they find them; their blood is running like water upon scaffolds & fields: rise let us go & take part with them, for we fear they bar us out of heaven. Oh, secure Ireland, a dreadful day is coming upon thee within a few years, that they shall ride many miles & shall not see a reeking house in thee; Oh, hunger, hunger Derry, many a pale face shall be in thee; and fire, fire upon a town; whose name I have forgot, which was all burnt to ashes. This had an exact accomplishment four years thereafter. And for the profanity of England, and formality & security of Ireland, for the loathing and contempt of the gospel, covenant-breaking and burning and innocent blood shed in Scotland, none of these lands shall escape, e'er all be done. But notwithstanding of all this, I'll tell you good news, keep in mind this year, month and day, & remember that I told you, that the enemies have got a shot beneath their right wing, and they may rise and fly like a shot bird but e'er this day seven years, the strongest of them all shall fall. Then upon the sixth, he was

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