Page:Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Master Alexander Peden.pdf/26

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papers and drops of bJood. (meaning our martyrs testimonies and blood) and who but you, and your bits of papers and drops of blood! but when that day comes there will a bike of indulged, lukewarm, ministers come out of Holland, England and Ireland, together with a bike of them at home, and some young things that know nothing, and they will all hyve together in a general assembly; and the red hands with blood, and the black hands of defection, will be taken by the hand and the hand given them by our ministers; and ye will not ken who has been the persecutor, complyer, or sufferer; and your bits of paper and drops of blood will be shut to the door, and never a word more of them, and ye and the like of you will get their back-side. He gave him another sore clap upon the shoulder, saying, Keep mind of this, James Wilson, for as the Lord lives, it will surely come to pass. James Wilson told me this shortly thereafter, and renewed it again the first general assembly, when he and I, and many others, saw the accomplishment of this in every particular to our great grief.

37. In the beginning of May 1685, he came to the house of John Brown and Marion Weir, whom he married before he went to Ireland, where he stayed all night; and in the morning, when he took farewell he came out at the door, saying to himself, Poor woman, a fearful morning, twice over. A dark misty morning. The next morning, between five and six hours, the said John Brown, having performed the worship of God in his family, was going with a spade in his hand to make ready some peat groud; the mist being very dark, he knew not until cruel & bloody Claverhouse compassed him with three troops of horses, brought him to his house, end there examined him; who tho was a man of stammering speech, yet answered him distinctly and solidly; which made Claverhouse to examine these whom he had taken to be his guides thro the muirs, if ever they heard him preach? They answered, No, no, he was never a preacher. He said, If he has never preached, meikle has he prayed in his time: he said to John, Go to your prayers, for you shall immediately die. When he was praying Claverhouse interrupted him three times; one time that he stopt him, he was pleading that the Lord would spare a remnant, and not make a full end in the day of his anger. Claverhouse said, I give you time to pray, and ye're begun topreach