Page:Some unpublished letters of Henry D. and Sophia E. Thoreau; a chapter in the history of a still-born book.djvu/125

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Two Visits to Concord, Mass.

From an old Diary.

Sept. 1st, 1863. Arrived at Concord about 5 p. m. Stopped at the Middlesex House. Soon after, went across the way to a bookstore and bought a copy of the "Boston Commonwealth." On the first page found Thoreau's poem "The Departure,"

In this roadstead I have ridden.

This is the first publication of it. I accepted it as a sort of introduction meant for me.

This [place] appears like a quite orderly, staid New England town and somewhat reminds me of Oberlin, Ohio, twenty years ago.

Somehow, I feel a singular contentedness and as if my good genius had, for the time, got the upper hand of all obstacles and alone presided. In the morning, if my health will permit, intend viewing some scenes and places more dear to me than I can well tell.