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I wur carried off my legs-shoved on the elevation,
So I got a seat for nought to see the Coronation.

Tol lol lol, &c.

I sat me down quite quietly, nobody came to rout me
I slily cast my eyes upon the ladies round about me:
The sun shone down so very hot, they were all in
It melted all their red and white at the famous

Tol lol lol, &c.

At last the Queen herself did come, dressed up so tine,
Oh! dear me,
I ne'er before in all my life had had a queen so near
She graciously did make her bow to me and
So I was taken notice of at the famous Coronation.

Tol lol lol, &c.

When this wur done, I thought, thinks I, I've seen all
that I can see,
So out I got, and found that I'd paid dearly for my
I'd lost a sovereign and my purse, and on
My watch which ne'er did go before, did go at the

Tol lol lol, &c.