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Sung by Mrs A he and Miss Stephens Words by Thomas Baly, (illegible text) Esq. Arranged with symphonies and accompaniments, by H. R. Bishop.

Wake, dearest! wake! and again united, We'll rove by yonder sea, And where our first vows of love were plighted, Our last farewell shall be. There oft I've gazed on thy smiles delighted, And there I'll part from thee. There oft, &c.

Isabel! Isabel! Isabel! One look, though that look is in sorrow. Fare-thee-well! fare-thee-well! fare thee-well! For hence I shall wander to-morrow. Ah me! ah me!

Dark is my doom, and from thee I sever, Whom I have loved alone; 'Twere cruel to link thy fate for ever With sorrows like my own. Go, smile on livelier friends, and never Lament me when I'm gone. Go, smile, &c. Isabel ! Isabel! Isabel ! One look, though that look is in sorrow. Fare-thee-well! fare-thee well! fare-thee-well! Far hence I shall wander to-morrow. Ah me! ah me!


This extremely popular Jacobite Song remained for a long time a common stall Ballad, until drawn from its obscurity, and altered to suit the present state of the times. It now, and for some time past, has been general favourite among the first theatrical singers of the day. Author unknown.

Charlie is my darling, My darling, my darling, O! Charlie is my darling, The young Chevalier.