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Ballade Sung by Miss Stephen and Miss Racon. Composted by Mrs Phillip Millard.

She's all my fancy painted her, She's lovely, she's divine ; But her heart it is another's, She never can be mine. Yet loved I as man never loved, A love without decay ;- Oh! my heart-my heart is breaking For the love of Alice Gray.

Her dark brown hair is braided o'er A brow of spotless white; Her soft blue eye now languishes- Now flashes with delight ;- The hair is braided not for me, The eye is turned away :- Yet my heart-my heart is breaking For the love of Alice Gray.

I've sunk beneath the summer's sim, And trembled in the blast; But my pilgrimage is nearly done, The weary conflict's past. And when the green sod wraps my grave, May Pity haply say, " Oh! his heart-his heart was broken For the love of Alice Gray!"


Arranged By Bishop Sung by Miss Stephens, M. Tree, &c. in the popular Opera of "The Slave."

Living Echo, bird of eve, Hush thy wailing, cense to grieve; Feathered warbler, wake the grove To songs of joy, to notes of love: Pretty mocking bird, thy form I see Swinging with the breeze on the mangrove tree.