Page:Songs before sunrise (IA beforesunrisongs00swinrich).pdf/244

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And soul and body dwelt apart;
And weary wisdom without heart
Stared on the dead round heaven and sighed,
"Is death too hollow as thou art,
Or as man's living pride?"
And saying so died.

And my soul heard the songs and groans
That are about and under thrones,
And felt through all time's murmur thrill
Fate's old imperious semitones
That made of good and ill
One same tune still.

Then "Where is God? and where is aid?
Or what good end of these?" she said;
"Is there no God or end at all,
Nor reason with unreason weighed,
Nor force to disenthral
Weak feet that fall?

"No light to lighten and no rod
To chasten men? Is there no God?"
So girt with anguish, iron-zoned,
Went my soul weeping as she trod
Between the men enthroned
And men that groaned.