Page:Songs before sunrise (IA beforesunrisongs00swinrich).pdf/82

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Even all these as all we

Subdue themselves to thee,
Bow their heads haloed, quench their fiery fame;
Seen through dim years divine,
Their faint lights feminine
Sink, then spring up rekindled from thy flame;
Fade, then reflower and reillume
From thy fresh spring their wintering age with new-blown bloom.


To thy much holier head

Even theirs, the holy and dead,
Bow themselves each one from her heavenward height;
Each in her shining turn,
All tremble toward thee and yearn
To melt in thine their consummated light;
Till from day's Capitolian dome
One glory of many glories lighten upon Rome.


Hush thyself, song, and cease,

Close, lips, and hold your peace;
What help hast thou, what part have ye herein?