Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/122

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[Music ]

AS the Delian God, to fam'd Halcyon,
From Heavens high Court descended down,
There the Tuneful Muse's playing he found,
            A Sonata Divinely rare:
When Thalia touch'd the charming Flute,
Errato Struck the warbling Lute;
And Clio's Treble joining to't,
            Made the Harmony beyond compare.

Then Euterpe's full Bass, the sweet Consort did raise,
And with pleasure each Sence alarm'd,
E'ry Note was enjoy'd, e'ry Hand was imploy'd,
With sounds of Joy the Flowery Valley rung:
Apollo gaz'd, and silent was his Tongue,
But when his dear Calliope Sung,
            Ah, then the God was charm'd.