Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/204

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[Music ]

THE old Wife she sent to the Miller her Daughter,
  To grind her Grist quickly, and so return back,
The Miller so work'd it, that in eight Months after
  Her Belly was fill'd as full as her Sack;
Young Robin so pleas'd her, that when she came home,
She gap'd like a stuck Pigg, and star'd like a Mome,
She hoyden'd, she scamper'd, she hollow'd and hoop'd,
            And all the Day long,
            This, this was her Song,
Was ever Maiden so lericompoop'd.

Oh Nelly, cry'd Celie, thy Cloths are all mealy,
  Both Backside and Belly are rumpled all o'er,
You moap now and slabber, why what a pox ail you?
  I'll go to the Miller, and know all ye Whore:
She went, and the Miller did grinding so ply,
She came cutting Capers a Foot and half high,
She waddled, she stradled, she hollow'd and whoop'd,
            And all the Day long,
            This, this was her Song,
Hoy, were ever two Sisters so lericompoop'd.