Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/251

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He had shown her all
The Lodgings, great and small;
  The Tower, the Bower,
  The Green, the Queen,
And fam'd St. George's Hall:
  Lastly brought her here,
To court her for his Dear;
  To Wed and Bed,
  And swore he had,
A thousand Pound a Year.

Mony the crew
Of Sots, think all must do;
  And now this Fool,
  Unlearn'd at School,
It seems believes so too:
  But the rare Girl,
More worth than Gold or Pearl,
  Was Nobly got,
  And brought, and Taught,
To slight the sordid World.

She then brisk and gay,
That lov'd a Tuneful Lay,
  In hast pull'd out,
  Her little Flute,
And bad him Sing or Play;
  He both Arts defy'd,
And she as quickly cry'd;
  Who learnt no way,
  To Sing nor Say,
Shou'd ne'er make her a Bride.