Page:Songs from the Southern Seas and Other Poems (1873).djvu/135

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Now contracting, now expanding, like a phosphorescent snake.
Hours speed on: the dark horizon yet shows scarce a streak of gray
When old Sculpin comes on deck to walk his restlessness away.
All the scene is still and solemn, and mayhap the man's cold heart
Feels its teaching, for the wild-beast cries from shoreward make him start
As if they had warning in them, and he o'er its meaning pored.
Till at length one shriek from Java sphts the darkness like a sword;
And he almost screams in answer, such the nearness of the cry,
As he clutches at the rigging with a horror in his eye,
And with faltering accents mutters, as against the mast he leans,
"Darn the tigers! that one shouted with the voice of Nathan Beans!"