Page:Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti.djvu/111

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Weeping ye see me, in Grief’s company,
One showing forth Love’s jurisdiction.
Of pity-shrouded hearts I find not one
Who sigheth, seeing me disconsolate.

New is the grief that’s come upon my heart,
And mournful is the press of my deep sighs,
And oft Death greeteth me, by tricksome art
Drawn dose upon me with his agonies,
Yea close, drawn close till every dullard sees;
I hear their murmuring, “How grief hath bent
This man! And we from the apparent testament,
Deem stranger torments in him sublimate.”

Within my heart this grievous weight descended
Hath slain that band of spirits which was bent
Heartward, that th’ heart might by them be defended.
When the sad heart had summoned them they’d left
Mine eyes of every other guard bereft
Till Rumour, courier through the mind, ran crying,
“A vileness in the heart, Oyez! lies dying.
On guard lest vileness strike at your estate!”