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deavor. The selfish white man will repent his grasping; the haughty white man will blush to recall his scorn. The last vestige of the whip will fall from the hand of the overseer, as compulsion to work is replaced by cooperation of white and black in mutual respect towards a common end.

About two hundred Americans and Europeans, gathered in Belgium for a week of residential conference on the Christian Mission in Africa, made a stride towards discovery of the sons of Africa in the autumn of 1926. Government administrators, leading educationalists and doctors, colonial officials of various grades, students of racial problems, and many missionaries were there. Most of the members had lived in Africa; all had knowledge of African affairs. A full and frank presentation of African problems—-political, racial, economic, social, educational and religious—-had been circulated in advance. No member came seeing a clear way through the maze. But before the week was over, hope was born. It came in the form not of plan but of personality.

There was present a small group of Africans, mostly well known, from several tribes. There was also a larger group of Negroes from the