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women obviously far from perfect, characteristics of rich significance have been found.

It is dangerous to attempt to classify the note-worthy African qualities which this study has revealed, for to some minds one local instance to the contrary confutes a generalization however widely based. But there are subjects on which caution is akin to cowardice, and I will venture to be rash.

Fidelity to a trust that has been undertaken, and patience, were put forward as outstanding African qualities by Sir Gordon Guggisberg in his last address as Governor of the Gold Coat. Evidence confirming his long and wide evidence has constantly come to hand. Israel in Egypt did not surpass the African in endurance: witness his survival through the harrowing of the slave trade. Yet, unlike the Jew, the African is easily depressed by distrust. He tends to become what he is believed to be. Capacity for administrative work, quickness in seeing situations, and acumen in adjudicating on them, are more common among eminent Africans than is generally recognized. These qualities may of course be vitiated by moral weakness, but their distribution is fairly wide. Power to acquire knowledge quickly and correctly is supple-