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Enter Aged Servant with Orestes and Pylades.

Aged Servant

O Child of Agamemnon, who sometime
Was Captain of the host that leaguered Troy,
’Tis thine at last to view before thee spread
The scene thy heart was set on. Yonder lies
Old Argos thou so long hast yearned to see,
Once refuge of the gadfly-driven maid,[1]
Daughter of Inachus; and, Orestes, here
The market-place from the Wolf-slayer[2] named;
There on our left is Hera’s far-famed shrine;
And lo! before us, at our very feet
Thou seest Mycenae of the golden hoard,
And there the palace grim of Pelops’ line,
Deep stained with murder. Thence I bore thee once
Snatched from beside thy father’s bleeding corse
By kindly hands, thy sister’s; rescued thus
I fostered thee till thou hadst reached the age
To be the avenger of thy father’s blood.
But now, Orestes, and thou, Pylades,
Dearest of friends, the hour for you is ripe
To take resolve and that right speedily.

  1. Inachus, the river god, was the legendary founder of Argos, whither his daughter Io, changed by the jealous Hera into a cow, was driven in her wanderings.
  2. Apollo Lukeios, the god of light, but by folk-etymology connected with λύκος, wolf.