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The vision that I yesternight beheld
Of double import, if, Lycean King,
It bodes me well, fulfil it; but if ill,
May it upon my enemies recoil!
If there be some who treacherously plot
To dispossess me of my wealth and power,
Prevent them, and vouchsafe that I may rule
The house of Atreus in security,
And wield the sceptre, sharing prosperous days
With the same friends and with my children—those
By malice and blind rancour not estranged.
Grant, O Lycean Phoebus, of thy grace,
To me and mine fulfilment of my prayers.
And for those other things my heart desires,
Though unexpressed, thou as a god dost know them;
For naught is hidden from the sons of Zeus.

Aged Servant

Good ladies, might a stranger crave to learn
If this indeed be King Aegisthus’ house?


It is, Sir; thou thyself hast guessed aright.

Aged Servant

And am I right conjecturing that I see
His royal consort here? She looks a queen.


Indeed thou art in presence of the queen.

Aged Servant

I greet thee, Madam, and I bear to thee
Fair news, and to Aegisthus, from a friend.


I welcome thy fair words, but first would know
Who sends thee.