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Aged Servant

Phanoteus, the Phocian,
On a grave mission.


Tell me, stranger, what.
It must be friendly coming from a friend.

Aged Servant

Orestes’ death, to sum in brief my tale.


Me miserable! Now am I undone.


What say’st thou, man, what say’st thou? Heed not her.

Aged Servant

I say again, Orestes is no more.


Ah me, I’m lost, ah wretched me, undone!


Attend to thine own business. (To Aged Servant.) Tell me. Sir,
The circumstance and manner of his death.

Aged Servant

That was my errand, and I’ll tell thee all.
To the great festival of Greece he went,
The Delphic Games, and when the herald’s voice
Announced the opening trial, the foot race,
He stepped into the lists, a radiant form,
The admired of all beholders. Like a shaft
He sped from starting point to goal and back,
And bore the crown of glorious victory.
To speak in brief where there is much to tell,

I never heard of prowess like to his.