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Alone Electra bides,
Alone she braves the surging swell.

Disconsolate doth she her sire bewail,
Like the forlornest nightingale;
Reckless of life, could she but quell
The cursed pair, those Furies fell.
Where shall ye find on earth
A maid to match her worth?

No generous soul were fain (Str. 2)
By a base life his fair repute to stain.
Such baseness thou didst scorn,
Choosing, my child, to mourn with them that mourn.
Wise and of daughters best—
With double honours thou art doubly blest.

O may I see thee tower (Ant. 2)
As high above thy foes in wealth and power
As now they tower o’er thee;
For now thy state is piteous to see.
Yet brightly dost thou shine,
For fear of Zeus far-famed and love of laws divine.

Enter Orestes.


Pray tell me, ladies, were we guided right,
And are we close upon our journey’s end?


What seek’st thou, stranger, and with what intent?