Page:Sophocles - Seven Plays, 1900.djvu/205

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Half-Ch. Haste, with what speed ye may, 2
Stand on the doorway stone,
That, having thus much done,
Ye may do all to-day.

Or. Fear not: we will perform it.

El. Speed ye now:
Follow your thought.

Or. We are already there.

El. Leave matters here to me. All shall go well.

[Exit Orestes with Pylades

Ch. Few words, as if in gentleness, ’twere good
To utter in his ear,
That, eager and unware,
One step may launch him on the field of blood.

Enter Aegisthus.

Aegisthus. Which of you know where are the Phocian men
Who brought the news I hear, Orestes’ life
Hath suffered shipwreck in a chariot-race?
You, you I question, you in former time
So fearless! You methinks most feelingly
Can tell us, for it touches you most near.

El. I know: assure thee. Else had I not heard
The dearest of all fortunes to my heart.

Aeg. Where are the strangers then? Enlighten me.

El. Yonder. Their hostess entertained them well.

Aeg. And did they certainly report him dead?

El. Not only so. They showed him to our sight.

Aeg. May this clear evidence be mine to see?

El. I envy not the sight that waits you there.

Aeg. Against their wont thy words have given me joy.

El. Much joy be thine, if this be joy to thee!

Aeg. Silence, I say! Wide let the gates be flung!
For all the Myceneans to behold
And all in Argolis, that if but one
Hath heretofore been buoyed on empty hopes
Fixed in Orestes, seeing him now dead,