Page:Sophocles - Seven Plays, 1900.djvu/207

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Or. Command not!
Enter, and in the place where ye cut down
My father, thou shalt yield thy life to me.

Aeg. Is there no help but this abode must see
The past and future ills of Pelops’ race?

Or. Thine anyhow. That I can prophesy
With perfect inspiration to thine ear.

Aeg. The skill you boast belonged not to your sire.

Or. You question and delay. Go in!

Aeg. Lead on.

Or. Nay, go thou first.

Aeg. That I may not escape thee?

Or. No, that thou may’st not have thy wish in death.
I may not stint one drop of bitterness.
And would this doom were given without reprieve,
If any try to act beyond the law,
To kill them. Then the wicked would be few.

Leader of Ch. O seed of Atreus! how triumphantly
Through grief and hardness thou hast freedom found,
With full achievement in this onset crowned!