Page:Sophocles - Seven Plays, 1900.djvu/217

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To Phoebus’ own sister, with fire in each hand,
And the Nymphs that her co-mates be!
My spirit soars. O sovereign of my soul!
I will accept the thrilling flute’s control. [They dance
The ivy-crowned thyrsus, see!
With Bacchic fire is kindling me,
And turns my emulous tread
Where’er the mazy dance may lead.
Euoî! Euoî!
O Paean! send us joy.
See, dearest Queen, behold!
Before thy gaze the event will now unfold.

. Think not mine eye hath kept such careless guard,
Dear maids, that I could miss this moving train.
Herald, I bid thee hail, although so late
Appearing, if thou bringest health with thee!

Enter Lichas, with Captive Women.

Lichas. A happy welcome on a happy way,
As prosperous our achievement. Meet it is
Good words should greet bright actions, mistress mine!

. Kind friend, first tell me what I first would know—
Shall I receive my Heracles alive?

Lich. I left him certainly alive and strong:
Blooming in health, not with disease oppressed.

. In Greece, or in some barbarous country? Tell!

Lich. Euboea’s island hath a promontory,
Where to Cenaean Zeus he consecrates
Rich altars and the tribute of the ground.

. Moved by an oracle, or from some vow?

Lich. So vowed he when he conquered with the spear
The country of these women whom you see.

. And who, by Heaven, are they? Who was their sire?
Their case is piteous, or eludes my thought.