Page:Sophocles - Seven Plays, 1900.djvu/222

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. Say, maidens, how must I proceed? The words
Now spoken have bewildered all my mind.

Ch. Go in and question Lichas, who perchance
Will tell the truth if you but tax him home.

. I will; you counsel reasonably.

Mess. And I,
Shall I bide here till thou com’st forth? Or how?

. Remain. For see, without my sending for him,
He issueth from the palace of himself.

Enter Lichas.

Lich. What message must I carry to my lord?
Tell me, my Queen. I am going, as thou seëst.

. So slow in coming, and so quickly flown,
Ere one have time to talk with thee anew!

Lich. What wouldst thou ask me? I am bent to hear.

. And art thou bent on truth in the reply?

Lich. By Heaven! in all that I have knowledge of.

. Then tell me, who is she thou brought’st with thee?

Lich. An islander. I cannot trace her stock.

Mess. Look hither, man. Who is’t to whom thou speakest?

Lich. Why such a question? What is thine intent?

Mess. Nay, start not, but make answer if thou knowest.

Lich. To Dêanira, Oeneus’ queenly child,
Heracles’ wife,—if these mine eyes be true,—
My mistress.

Mess. Ay, that is the very word
I longed to hear thee speak. Thy mistress, sayest?

Lich. To whom I am bound.

Mess. Hold there! What punishment
Wilt thou accept, if thou art found to be
Faithless to her?

Lich. I faithless! What dark speech
Hast thou contrived?

Mess. Not I at all. ’Tis thou
Dost wrap thy thoughts i’ the dark.