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Source Problems in English History

Lewis was brother of Charles, who was father of Judith, whom King Ethelwulf had; and they were sons of Lewis; Lewis was son of the old Charles; Charles was the son of Pepin. And in the same 5year the good Pope Marinus died, who freed the Angle race’s school, at the prayer of Alfred, king of the West Saxons; and he sent him great gifts, and part of the rood on which Christ suffered. And in the same year the army in East Anglia brake peace 10with King Alfred.

886. In this year the army again went west, which had before landed in the east, and then up the Seine, and there took winter quarters at the city of Paris. In the same year King Alfred restored 15London; and all the Angle race turned to him that were not in the bondage of the Danish men; and he then committed the burgh to the keeping of the ealdorman Ethered.

2. Asser’s Life of King Alfred. (Latin text in W. H. 20Stevenson’s Asser’s Life of King Alfred. Translation by the Editor.[1])

In the year of our Lord‘s incarnation the eight hundred and seventy-eighth, and the thirtieth from King Alfred’s birth, the oft-mentioned army left 25Exeter and came to Chippenham, a royal vill located in the north of Wiltshire on the eastern

  1. Unfortunately, Professor Cook’s excellent translation was not available for the present purpose. (A. S. Cook, Asser’s Life of King Alfred. Ginn & Co., 1906.)