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Source Problems in English History

County Court, see Shire.
Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 173.
Crewe, Thomas, speech in theHouse, 221.
Crofts, Sir James, 186.


Dalton, James, 194, note 2.
Danegeld, 37.
Danes, see Problem I.
D'Ewes, Journals, 177-178; excerpts from, 192-200.
Delbridge, John, speech in the House, 214.
Digges, Sir Dudley, imprisonment and release of, 226, 229, 230; speech in the House, 232.
Dispensing and suspending power, App., 404, 406.
Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, 332, note.
Distraint of knighthood, 81-82; writ for, 96-97.
Domesday survey, 40; title of inquest for Ely, 52, 53, 76.
Duties of Constables, Borsholders, etc., 245; excerpts from, 248-252.


Edington, battle of, 13, 19, 27.
Education Bill of 1906, 339.
Edward the Confessor, 53; App., 368, 369.
Edward the Elder, 9.
Edward I., 85, 102, 104, 105; App., 396, 399.
Edward III., 115, note, 116, note, 155,162; App., 399-401.
Edward VI., 175.
Edward VII., speech on opening Parliament, 354-355; death of, 358, 362.
Egbert, 5.
Elections, interference with, App. 404, 406.
Eliot, Sir John, 176; imprisonment of, and vindication by the Commons, 226-230; attack of upon Buckingham, 231, 232; arrest of and proceedings against, 235-238.
Elizabeth, 116, note, 167, note i, 171, 174, 175; freedom of speech under, 186-202.
Elsynge, Henry, clerk of the House, 173.
English Budget Proposals (Seligman), Survey, 340; excerpts from, 343-345.
Ethelred, brother of Alfred, 5, 9.
Ethelwerd, chronicle of, 9, 10; excerpt from, 25-30.
Ethelwulf, father of Alfred, 15, 16, 23, 29, 30.


Finance Bill of 1894, 349.
Fitzherbert, Lord, 287.
Fitzwilliam, Lord, 324, 325, 327, 328.
Fleetwood, William, 194 and note I.
Florida, 283.
Fox, Charles James, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 296, 297, 306, 312, 314; Memorials and Correspondence of, 288; excerpts from, 317-328.
France, invaded by Northmen, 14, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30; in the peace negotiations with America, 283-328 passim.
Franchise Bill, see Reform Bill.
Franklin, Benjamin, 285-289 passim; Journal, quoted, 293-314, 314-328 passim.
Frederick, elector palatine, 210.
Freedom of speech in Parliament, see Problem I ; App., 406.