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Source Problems in English History

from the sacred font of baptism; and his chrism-loosing[1] on the eighth day was in the royal vill called Wedmore. After he was baptized he stayed with the king twelve nights, and to him and all 5the men with him the king generously gave many valuable gifts.[2]

In the year of our Lord’s incarnation the eight hundred and seventy-ninth, and the thirty-first from King Alfred’s birth, the said army of pagans left 10Chippenham according to promise and went to Cirencester (in Welsh “Cairceri”), located in the southern part of the district of the Hwicce,[3] and there spent a year.

In the same year a great army of pagans from 15foreign parts sailed up the Thames River and joined the larger army, but wintered at a place called Fulham by the Thames.

In the same year an eclipse of the sun occurred between nones and vespers, but nearer to nones.[4]

20In the year of our Lord’s incarnation the eight

  1. For an account of this ceremony, see Cook, Asser’s Life of King Alfred, pp. 29–30, note 3.
  2. The parallel passage in the Chronicle probably proves that this was Asser’s meaning; not only Guthrum, but the thirty men who 25came with him, received presents. But a strict construction of Asser’s Latin undoubtedly justifies the traditional translation according to which the men mentioned were Alfred’s, who joined the king in bestowing gifts on Guthrum only.
  3. Includes approximately the later counties of Gloucester and 30Worcester.
  4. A full discussion of this eclipse may be found in Stevenson, Asser, pp. 280–286.