Page:South African Geology - Schwarz - 1912.djvu/153

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Lower shales, richly fossiliferous at the base, consisting of shales and thin -bedded sandstones 324
Fossiliferous sandstone; compact blue sandstone not very distinguishable from the lower shales; fossils only occasionally 145
Lower shales above fossiliferous sandstone, very richly fossiliferous at base; shales and thin sandstones 125
First white sandstone. Sandstone beds separated by shales; at bottom blue sandstones, then more quartzitic white sandstones, then intensely hard black sandstones, and on top blue compact sandstones; intensely ripple-marked throughout 419
Upper shales, soft grey-bluish or greenish mudstones 370
Second white sandstone, compact, blue sandstones beneath, more quartzitic above 85
Upper shales, grey mudstones with occasional sandstones 300
Third white sandstone, compact micaceous sandstones 100
Gritty micaceous shales, mottled green or brown and white, ferruginous in places, and indurated into sandstone bands at varying intervals 600
Total thickness of the Bokkeveld Series 2468

and with that system runs out to sea at the Gualana River, and does not appear again with the Table Mountain Sandstone in Pondoland and Natal.

The Bokkeveld Series was at one time confounded with the Malmesbury Series, both consisting of slates, and in many cases the one forming one side of the mountain of Table Mountain Sandstone and the other the other; indeed, at Oudtshoorn, the Table Mountain Sandstone dips under the Malmesbury Beds, and the Bokkeveld Beds dip under the Table Mountain Sandstone, owing to an overfold, but the detailed survey of the country showed that the bottom of the Table Moun-