Page:South African Geology - Schwarz - 1912.djvu/228

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TRIGONOMETRY AND THE CALCULUS Bridgett TRIGONOMETRY: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL. Embodying Graphic and other Solutions. By R. C. BRIDGETT, M.A., B.SC., F.C.S., and WILLIAM HYSLOP, M.A., B.SC. 45. 6d. A practical Trigonometry on experimental lines, covering the whole ground of a school or ordinary college course. Based throughout on the new and more scientific methods, with logarithm tables and answers. Bridgett EXPERIMENTAL TRIGONOMETRY. By R. C. BRIDGETT, M.A.. B.SC., F.C.S. is. An introductory course in Trigonometry on experimental lines. Containing many Exercises and Examination Papers. Cain A BRIEF COURSE IN THE CALCULUS. By WILLIAM CAIN, A.M., C.E., Professor of Mathematics in the University of North Carolina. 6s. net. Millar AN INTRODUCTION TO THE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. With examples of applications to Mechanical Problems. Ey W. J. MILLAR, C.E. is. 6d. Pinkerton ELEMENTARY TEXTBOOK OF TRIGONOMETRY. By R. H. PINKERTON, B.A.(Oxon.), Professor of Applied Mathematics, University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff. 2s.