15. Company Drill and Bayonet Fencing. By Colonel J. Monroe, United States Army.
16. General Todleben's History of the Defence of Sebastopol.
We regret that our space will not allow us at present to review each one of these books, which make a most valuable addition to a military library. General Barnard's books are very valuable for a study of the campaigns of which they treat—albeit there are many things in them on which we would take issue with him.
General McClellan's report is invaluable to the student of his campaigns, and (though full of most exaggerated estimates of the force opposed to him) shows him to have displayed great skill in the organization and discipline, and very decided ability in the handling of his army, while his famous letter on the conduct of the war marks him as a humane gentleman, and will go down in history in striking contrast with the orders of Butler, Pope, Sheridan, Sherman, and others of that class.
The books about the navy are of interest, and the manuals are very valuable for those who may desire to prepare for the profession of a soldier.
History of Democracy. By Honorable Nahum Capen, L. L. D. American Publishing Co., Hartford, Connecticut. We are indebted to the courtesy of the distinguished author for a copy of the first volume of this book, which is warmly commended by leading men in every section of the country.
It is a book of vast research, and shows great ability. Although the publishers take special pains to prove that Mr. Capen was not a sympathizer with "the Rebels," the book has a very decided leaning to our side, and should have a wide circulation.
Southern Historical Monthly. By S. D. Poole, Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N. C. Terms: Postage paid, $4 a year in advance. We have received the first (January) number of this new candidate for public favor, and gladly place it on our exchange list, and bid it a hearty "God speed."
The printers admonish us that we have not more space now than to say that the elegant style of the make up of this number, together with our knowledge of Colonel Pool's ability, gives assurance that he will make a first-class magazine.