Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 02.djvu/40

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

time after an elegant lady came in to see us, and inquired from what State we hailed. I replied, "Alabama," whereupon she said she had lost a favorite cousin, a captain in an Alabama regiment, killed at Seven Pines. He proved to be Captain R. H. Keeling, of my company, and the good woman, Mrs. Hugh Lee, a relative of General R. E. Lee, immediately proposed to take us under her special care, and to have us carried to a private house, where we would be better provided for. We gladly consented, and, after a brief absence, she returned with some litters borne by negroes, who still remained faithful to their owners, despite the corrupting influences of the Yankees, and we were carried to the law office once used by Hon. James M. Mason, our Minister to England, and his able and venerable partner, Mr. Clark. The office was on Main street, near Fort Hill, so-called from the remains of an old fort erected there in the days of the British General Braddock, and near the residence of Mr. Clark and his amiable Christian daughter, Mrs. Susan J——s. The latter sent us some appreciated delicacies, and made us a brief visit. I suffered much from my wound to-day. A party of Confederates, perhaps a hundred, marched by the office under guard on their way to some Northern prison. The sight was a painful one.

September 21st—Major Lambeth, Lieutenant W. H. Hearne, Sergeant Lines and Private Watkins, of the Fourteenth North Carolina, were brought to the office and quartered with us. Captain Frost, of the Fourth Georgia (from West Point, Georgia), died of his wounds in hospital. The ladies gave him much kind attention.

September 22d—Yankees are continually passing our door, and frequently stop to gaze curiously and impertinently at us, and ask rude, tantalizing questions. They do not wait to be invited in, but stalk in noisily and roughly. Their conversation is coarse and insulting.

September 23d—We have many conflicting and unreliable rumors of Early's movements. Six families in the vicinity of the office have agreed to alternately furnish us with our daily meals. They are those of Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Swartzwelder, Mrs. Burrell, Mrs. Kiger, Mrs. Snapp, and Mrs. Marsteller. Three times each day they send us very palatable and abundant meals, nicely cooked and of fine variety. Negro slaves bring them to us, and are very attentive and respectful, sincerely sympathizing with us in our sufferings, and openly declaring their purpose to remain with their mistresses (their masters are absent in the Southern army), and