Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 03.djvu/105

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Editorial Paragraphs.

fantry of Charleston, June 16th, 1870; "South Carolina in Arms, Arts, and the Industries," by John Peyre Thomas, Superintendent of Carolina Military Institute; Map of the Siege of Vicksburg; Map of the Seat of War in Mississippi; "Marginalia, or Gleanings from an Army Note Book," by Personne, army correspondent, &c., Columbia, S. C., 1864; "The Burning of Columbia, S. C.," by Dr. D. H. Trezevant.

From J. F. Mayer, Richmond: Messages of President Davis for January 18th, February 5th, February 13th and February 14th, 1864. Mr. Mayer is an industrious collector of Confederate material, and places us under frequent obligations for rare and valuable documents.

From General Carter L. Stevenson, Fredericksburg, Va: A box of his headquarter papers, which consist of such valuable material as the following: Report of Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee of the operations of his corps from the time he succeeded General Hood in the command to the arrival of the army at Palmetto Station; General Lee's report of Hood's Tennessee Campaign; General Stevenson's report of the same campaign; General Stevenson's report of the operations of his division from the beginning of the Dalton-Atlanta campaign up to May 30th, 1864; General Stevenson's report of engagement on Powder Springs road, June 22d, 1864; Reports of General Stevenson, General Brown, General J. R. Jackson, General E. C. Walthal, General E. W. Pettus, and a number of regimental and battery commanders of the Battle of Lookout Mountain.

A large number of general field orders, field letters, field notes, returns, inspection reports, &c., &c., which are invaluable material for a history of Stevenson's division, and indeed of the whole army with which this gallant and accomplished officer was connected.

(We are exceedingly anxious to collect a full set of papers bearing on the operations of our Western armies, and regard this contribution of General Stevenson as a most valuable addition to the large amount of such material which we already had in our archives.)

From the Department of State, Washington: Foreign relations of the United States, 1876.

From General Eaton, Commissioner of Education: Report of education bureau for 1875. Special Report on Libraries in the United States.

From Major R. F. Walker, Superintendent Public Printing, Va.: Annual reports for 1875-76.

From Dr. W. H. Ruffner, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Va.: School report for 1876.

From Historical Society of Montana: "Contributions," Vol. I, 1876.

From Major H. B. McClellan, of Lexington, Kentucky (in addition to contributions acknowledged in our last): Two letters of instructions from General R. E. Lee to General Stuart—one dated August 19, 1862, and the other August 19, 1862, 4¾ P. M.; General Lee's order of battle on the Rapidan, August 19, 1862; General Stuart's report of October 24, 1862, giving roster of his cavalry division and recommending Col. Thomas T. Munford to be promoted to rank of brigadier-general; autograph letter from General Stuart to Gene-