Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 03.djvu/177

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General Stevenson's Report of the Tennessee Campaign.

and complimentary terms, the services of my division upon this occasion, and I make no vain boast when I, too, thank them for their conduct, and declare that never did a command in so perilous a position extricate itself by the force of more admirable coolness, determination and unflinching gallantry.

On that night I was directed by Lieutenant-General Lee to assume command of his corps during his disability.

I am greatly indebted to my staff: Major John J. Reeve, Assistant Adjutant-General; Surgeon H. M. Crupton, Medical Director; Major J. E. McEleath, Assistant Quartermaster; Major J. H. F. Mayo, C.S.; Major H. M. Mathews, Ordnance Officer; Captain G. D. Wise, Assistant Inspector-General; Captain Charles Vidor, Assistant Quartermaster; Lieutenant H. T. Botts, Aid-de-Camp; Lieutenant G. A. Hayard, Aid-de-Camp; also Captain W. H. Sikes, Forty-fifth Tennessee regiment, and Lieutenant W. E. McElwee, Twenty-sixth Tennessee regiment, temporarily on duty at my headquarters, for their most efficient and valuable services, and for their untiring efforts to assist me during this arduous and trying campaign.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,

C. L. Stevenson,

Major J. W. Ratchford,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Lee's Corps.