Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 03.djvu/233

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Editorial Paragraphs.

The correction given below is a very proper one, though we are not quite sure whether the mistake was Mr. Hollyday's, or a typographical error:

Rev. J. William Jones, D. D.,
Secretary Southern Historical Society, Richmond Virginia:

Dear Sir—Mr. Lamar Hollyday in his narrative of the "Maryland troops in the Confederate Service," published in the March number of the Southern Historical Society Papers, states that Captain Latrobe, of the Third battery of Maryland artillery, was killed at Vicksburg, Mississippi. That is a mistake. His report of the Third Maryland artillery read thus: Captain Henry B. Latrobe, commissioned September 9th, 1861; left the service March 1st, 1863. Captain Ferd. O. Claiborne, promoted March 1st, 1863; killed at Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 22d, 1863.

Please make the above correction, and much oblige, yours truly,

William L. Ritter.

Baltimore, Maryland, April 5th, 1877.

Contributions to our Archives are always in order, and the kindness of our friends in this respect is most warmly appreciated. With no means of purchasing books or documents, the free will offerings of those interested in our work are filling our shelves with historic material which money could not buy. Since our last acknowledgment we have received among others the following:

From Rev. J. A. French—Letter book containing official copies of letters written by the Confederate Secretary of the Treasury. Letter file containing letters received in 1861 at Register's office Confederate Treasury Department.

From Colonel Charles Ellis, Richmond—A package of war newspapers carefully selected and preserved because of something valuable in each. "Ordinances adopted by the Convention of Virginia in secret session in April and May, 1861." Virginia "Ordinance of Secession." "Report of the Chief of Ordnance of Virginia (Colonel C. Dimmock), for the year ending September 30th, 1861." "Message of the Governor of Virginia" (Hon. John Letcher), December 7th, 1863. Letter from General C. F. Henningsen in, reply to the letter of Victor Hugo on the Harper's Ferry invasion. "Discourse on the Life and Caracter of Lieutenant-General Thomas J. Jackson," by General F. H. Smith, Superintendent Virginia Military Institute, read before the Board of Visitors, Faculty and Cadets, July 1st, 1863, together with proceedings of the Institution in honor of the illustrious deceased."

From the American Colonization Society—A full set of the annual reports, addresses, &c., of the Society. "Memorial of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the American Colonization Society, celebrated at Washington, January 15th, 1867."

From Judge W. S. Barton, Fredericksburg, Virginia—A bundle of official papers relating to the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, which were put into his hands as Judge Advocate of the Court of Inquiry which was ordered by the Confederate War Department to investigate those disasters. The package contains such papers as the following: Report of General R. Taylor of operations in North Louisiana from June 3d to 8th, 1863; correspondence between the Secretary of War and General J. E. Johnston, from the 9th of