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Southern Historical Society Papers.

junction. Preparations should be made to repair this portion of the track as soon as it is practicable.

R. E. Lee, General.

Official: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G.

Drewry's Bluff, June 17th, 1864, 6 A. M.

E. H. Gill, Superintendent Richmond and
Petersburg Railroad, Richmond, Virginia:

About half a mile of railroad at Port Walthall junction was torn up yesterday by enemy during their temporary possession. Please replace the rails and open the road at once.

R. E. Lee.

Drewry's Bluff, June 17th, '64, 6 A. M.

General G. T. Beauregard, Petersburg:

I am delighted at your repulse of the enemy. Endeavor to recover your lines. Can you ascertain any thing of Grant's movements? I am cut off now from all information. At 11 P. M. last night we took the original line of breastworks at Howlett's house, and the rest of the line is being recovered. I have directed that the battery of heavy artillery be re-established, and the rails at Walthall junction be replaced and the road reopened.

R. E. Lee.

Headquarters Clay's House,
10.30 A. M., 17th June, 1864.

His Excellency Jefferson Davis, Richmond, Virginia:

At 11 o'clock last night took breastworks at Howlett's house; other portions of same line were retaken. Pickett's division now occupies trenches from Howlett's to front of Clay's; Field's division is on the right, but I believe whole of front line not occupied. Battery at Howlett's is being re-established.

Saw five vessels sunk by enemy in French's reach. Behind lie the monitors; counted ten (10) steamers within the reach. Enemy made two attacks last night on Beauregard, but were repulsed with loss; 400 prisoners, including 11 commissioned officers captured. He has not entirely recovered his original position. Some fighting has occurred there this morning without result. Have ordered