Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 03.djvu/31

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Defence of Fort Gregg.

Battery Gregg, and the rest to the new line of works near the "Dam." Battery Gregg was subsequently attacked by an immense force, and fell after the most gallant and desperate defence. Our men bayonetted many of the enemy as they mounted the parapet. After the fall of this battery, the rest of my command along the new line was attacked in front and flank and driven back to the old line of works running northwest from Battery 45, where it remained until the evacuation of Petersburg. We were here rejoined by the Twenty-eighth, under Captain Linebarger.

On the afternoon of the 3d, we crossed the Appomattox at Goode's bridge, bivouacked at Amelia Courthouse on the 4th, and on the 5th formed line of battle between Amelia Courthouse and Jetersville, where our sharpshooters, under Major Wooten, became engaged. Next day, while resting in Farmville, we were ordered back to a fortified hill to support our cavalry, which was hard pressed, but before reaching the hill the order was countermanded. We moved rapidly through Farmville, and sustained some loss from the artillery fire while crossing the river near that place. That afternoon we formed line of battle, facing to the rear, between one and two miles from Farmville, and my sharpshooters were attacked by the enemy. During the night we resumed our march, and on the 9th, while forming line of battle, we were ordered back and directed to stack our arms, as the Army of Northern Virginia had been surrendered.

By officers and men behaved well throughout this trying campaign, and superiority of numbers alone enabled the enemy to drive us from the works near Petersburg. Colonel Cowan, though indisposed, was constantly with his command, and displayed his usual gallantry, while Major Wooten nobly sustained his enviable reputation as an officer.

We have to mourn the loss of Captains Nicholson, Faine, McAulay and Long, and other gallant officers.

Captain E. J. Hale, Jr., A. A. G., and First Lieutenant E. B. Meade, A. D. C., were constantly at their posts, displaying great bravery and giving additional evidence of their efficiency as staff officers.

I am unable to give our exact loss at Petersburg. I surrendered at this point fifty-six (56) officers and four hundred and eighty-four (484) men—many of the latter being detailed, non-arms-bearing men, who were sent back to be surrendered with their brigade.