Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/171

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Official Reports of the Battle of Gettysburg.

They were steadily moving to the right and front, driving the enemy before them, when they passed the woods or ravine to my right. After finding that I could not move the First and Third to the right to join them, I sent to recall them, ordering them to move to the left until the left of the Fourth should rest on the right of the First, but my messenger found two of General Law's regiments on the left of my two, the Fourth and Fifth Texas, and did not find these regiments at all. About this time my aid, Lieutenant Scott, reported my two regiments, the Fourth and Fifth Texas, in the centre of General Law's brigade, and that they could not be moved without greatly injuring his line. I sent a request to General Law to look to them. At this point my A. A. and I. Gen. reported from the Fourth and Fifth, that they were hotly engaged and wanted reinforcements. My courier sent to General Hood returned and reported him wounded and carried from the field. I sent a messenger to Lieutenant-General Longstreet for reinforcements, and at the same time sent to Generals Anderson and Benning, urging them to hurry up to my support. They came up, joined us, and fought gallantly, but as fast as we would break one line of the enemy another fresh one would present itself, the enemy reinforcing his lines in our front from his reserves at the base of the mountain to our right and front, and from his lines to our left, who, having no attack from us in his front, threw his forces from there on us. Before the arrival of Generals Anderson and Benning, Colonel J. C. G. Key, who gallantly led the Fourth Texas regiment in, up to the time of receiving a severe wound, passed me, being led to the rear. I, about the same time, learned of the fall and dangerons wounding of Colonel R. M. Powell, of the Fifth, who fell while gallantly leading his regiment in one of the impetuous charges of the Fourth and Fifth Texas on the strongly fortified mountain. Just after the arrival of General Anderson on my left, I learned that the gallant Colonel Van H. Manning, of the Third Arkansas, had been wounded and carried from the field, and about the same time I received intelligence of the wounding and being carried from the field of those two able and efficient officers, Lieutenant-Colonels K. Bryan, of the Fifth, and B. T. Carter, of the Fourth, both of whom were wounded while bravely discharging their duty. Captain Woodward, acting major of the First Texas, was wounded near me,